" Indeed, there's no such thing as "unconditional", not even the friendship that I offer to those who are willing to accept it. Perhaps I might loose her, but in the long run, I'm hoping to gain something, even if that "gaining" is not for me."
Chances and Choices-- I’m always thorn between these phenomenons. Is life always based on the chances we take, or the choices we make? What are the average numbers of chances you give to a person?
In my case, perhaps everyone’s case, we give more chances to those people we want to share most of our time with. But until when you’re giving your chances? When everytime they waste every chance you give, they are already thinking for the chances you might give for the next time.
I’m bound to loose a friend. Sooner or later, one of the people closest to my heart will leave me. Not because we are in a fight, but because of the choices she made, and the chances that were not abused.
Since then, I’ve been always accountable with my friends, I find pleasure when every time I guide them or mentor them. Pleasured aside, I always ask this question: until when will I do it for them? I’m not superman that is always on call. In short, I always, will always have a threshold for everything. Even in patience.
I’ve given this friend of mine chances; I mean so many chances to be responsible for herself. Is that too hard to do for her own good? Where in fact, I tend to think that I’m doing overboard in reminding her how much time she wasted.
Then came this day, the day which I grew tired of being accountable for her. It was also the same day that I don’t care anymore, not at all.
If this is the price she got to pay, then so be it. Unless, she proved that she can make it without me, but I guess she will.
Perhaps life is a mixture of both chances and choices. We end up loosing the chances that we have when we choose not to take them. I choose to loose a friend, but I presume she find this chance to prove to me that I had the wrong choice.
This decision is giving me a hard time, but I guess that’s just the way the story goes. GOODBYE.