Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ALT+F4 or F5

           In the keyboard of a computer, the ALT and F4 key command is to shut down the computer, while F5 is to refresh.

These past few days, I’ve been feeling down. I always feel bored and alone. I think I’m not anymore efficient in my job, or either happy with it. Plus, I’m bound to loose a friend.

I’m not a people person, instead of fearing that personality of mine in my job, I treated it as challenge to conquer. At the first month of me being in the Marketing Department, I find excitement in my job. Career talks, and executive meetings made me love my job more.

Since the Marketing season is about to finish, I don't have a lot to do in the office anymore. If there’s no internet connection or plants vs. zombies application in my computer, I’ve totally freaked-out. I feel bored and inefficient almost all the time. Sometimes, I feel like I want to quite this less challenging job. I miss being stressed, I miss being busy and I miss being productive.

Also, the atmosphere in the office is making me sick. Gossips are all around the place. Officemates talking behind their backs and corruption in small scales; these can kill me right away. I also feel guilty of the gossips that swarm our institution, because I also expose myself to the hearsay of my office mates. I think this is not the healthy environment for a work place, plus the fact that your superiors are not good enough in their own post.

Sooner or later, I’ll be loosing a friend. I’m talking about one of the closest friend that I have. Now that’s double whammy for me, weeks ago, I loose one of my dearest friend, and now, the threat of loosing another is on its way to me.

Sometimes I just want to go back to scratch. Delete all my memories and go back to zero. In that way, I might as well forget all the negativities around me. I want to go away, I mean very far away, and have my escape from all of these things that are happening to me.

How I wish refreshing or quitting is just as easy as pressing ALT+F4 or F5 in the computer keyboard.

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