Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It’s Been a Year, and a Year More to Come

I can’t believe that I’m writing this entry that is all about my 1st year anniversary in my first full-time job. Cliché as it is, time flies so fast.

I can hardly remember my first day on my first job then. I was asked to wear white polo.

At first, I don’t know what’s in store for me; all I know at that time is that I must get a rebound for the job I lost for quitting in the call center industry. And alas! I found a job in the academe.

First Semester

Honestly my first semester is my least favorite part in my job career, though partly, I consider it the most fulfilling.

I was not disciplined as a teacher, so I lacked training in teaching, that’s why first month of teaching was pretty rough for me. Plus the fact that some students have attitude that will really test your patience. But proud to say, I got through!

Teaching is tantamount to more time with the students, making them closer to me. In this particular time, I had the chance to bond with them and share more time even outside work. The bond that I’m talking about is one of the few reasons why I held long enough in teaching. Trust me, 1 semester is too long for me.

But as I look back, imparting knowledge to them made me realized that teaching was indeed a great and fulfilling experience that I had.

Second Semester

Second semester was a bit lighter than the previous semester. My teaching loads are over. It means I’m done with academic readings, research and so was lesson preparation.

In this point, I handled the marketing for the next academic year. In totality, it was not as rough as teaching, but it’s neither a piece of cake. But with the guidance of my superior, I went through smoothly.

My work this semester thought me so many things and made me exposed to different kinds of people. It thought me how to deal with people, from the most timid to the most inquisitive. It also tested my convincing power and further improves it.

I’ve recruited 90 students so far, though I didn’t surpass the target recruits or even surpass last year’s, in this case, I’m somehow fulfilled.

Workplace and Workmates

At first, I considered my workplace and so as my workmates very light, in a sense that it’s not strict and I actually go along well with them. I didn’t have hard time adapting myself from an ordinary school boy to a young professional.

But then circumstances unfold themselves to me. The real colors of the corporate world reveal itself. It’s not that I’m too lazy to reiterate things that happened, it’s just that I’m over it and a fresh start deserves a chance.

Right now, I’m very contended in what I have, though I have plans in pursuing post-graduate school or venturing in the media world soon, I didn’t regret my decision to stick with my work today. So it’s been a year, and a year more to come.

Memories to remember :)

July Birthdays Celebration :)

Christmas Party 2010 :)

My 2010 birthday celebration @staff house :)

4-alpha@Intramurals 2010 :)

Belen-Making Contest :)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta :)

Career Orientation@Narciso School Inc.
Planning Conference 2011 :)

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