Thursday, June 30, 2011

The First Class

Movie Poster
(photo credit:

"If you use half of your concentration to look normal, then you're only half-paying attention to whatever you are doing"
- Eric (Magneto) to Raven (Mystique)
X-Men: First Class(2011)

Part of everybody's childhood is watching cartoons. In my case, one of my favorite cartoon is X-men: the animated series. Back then, I didn't understand yet the social problems it inflicts to its audience, all I knew is that having super powers like the X-men is cool.

When Marvel studios decide to relieve the X-men phenomena into movies, I became so excited. X-men, X2, X-men 3: The last stand, X-men Origins:Wolverine, and now X-men: First Class are not only comic-based superhero movies, but these movies reflect a social cancer that every society in this world have--discrimination.

Also in the recent release of its animated series: X-men Evolution, and Wolverine& the X-men, the society in which x-men are living in, is similar with the society where I'm living at. It is where people condemn those who are different, and those are violating their "norms" because of biological differences. One point in time, I thought that "If people just know how to respect differences, perhaps, peace can be bought for a peso, or even the word discrimination will be considered as taboo in each society".

Monday, June 27, 2011

Breathe In

   I'm having issues right now. Issues that were a product of my over thinking, or perhaps product of the chemicals circulating in my brain.

   In this incident, I've learned something-- that if I let these chemicals take me over, these will create a monster. A hideous monster that will soon hunt me for the rest of my life, and when it hunts me, I'll just run until I realize that I'm too tired to continue.

   But before these concoctions dominate my well-being, I have a choice to pause for a while. Until these illusory thoughts die its natural death. Oh yes, it will die naturally with the aid of time.

  Now, I'll always remember that preventing a disease is far better than seeking the antidote for it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It’s Been a Year, and a Year More to Come

I can’t believe that I’m writing this entry that is all about my 1st year anniversary in my first full-time job. Cliché as it is, time flies so fast.

I can hardly remember my first day on my first job then. I was asked to wear white polo.

At first, I don’t know what’s in store for me; all I know at that time is that I must get a rebound for the job I lost for quitting in the call center industry. And alas! I found a job in the academe.

First Semester

Honestly my first semester is my least favorite part in my job career, though partly, I consider it the most fulfilling.

I was not disciplined as a teacher, so I lacked training in teaching, that’s why first month of teaching was pretty rough for me. Plus the fact that some students have attitude that will really test your patience. But proud to say, I got through!

Teaching is tantamount to more time with the students, making them closer to me. In this particular time, I had the chance to bond with them and share more time even outside work. The bond that I’m talking about is one of the few reasons why I held long enough in teaching. Trust me, 1 semester is too long for me.

But as I look back, imparting knowledge to them made me realized that teaching was indeed a great and fulfilling experience that I had.

Second Semester

Second semester was a bit lighter than the previous semester. My teaching loads are over. It means I’m done with academic readings, research and so was lesson preparation.

In this point, I handled the marketing for the next academic year. In totality, it was not as rough as teaching, but it’s neither a piece of cake. But with the guidance of my superior, I went through smoothly.

My work this semester thought me so many things and made me exposed to different kinds of people. It thought me how to deal with people, from the most timid to the most inquisitive. It also tested my convincing power and further improves it.

I’ve recruited 90 students so far, though I didn’t surpass the target recruits or even surpass last year’s, in this case, I’m somehow fulfilled.

Workplace and Workmates

At first, I considered my workplace and so as my workmates very light, in a sense that it’s not strict and I actually go along well with them. I didn’t have hard time adapting myself from an ordinary school boy to a young professional.

But then circumstances unfold themselves to me. The real colors of the corporate world reveal itself. It’s not that I’m too lazy to reiterate things that happened, it’s just that I’m over it and a fresh start deserves a chance.

Right now, I’m very contended in what I have, though I have plans in pursuing post-graduate school or venturing in the media world soon, I didn’t regret my decision to stick with my work today. So it’s been a year, and a year more to come.

Memories to remember :)

July Birthdays Celebration :)

Christmas Party 2010 :)

My 2010 birthday celebration @staff house :)

4-alpha@Intramurals 2010 :)

Belen-Making Contest :)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta :)

Career Orientation@Narciso School Inc.
Planning Conference 2011 :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Fear of Firsts

So it’s the first day of class once again in my work; new faces, new attitudes, in short new students for our institution. As I take a glimpse of them outside the office, in their break time; some are with their old time peers back in high school, some are with their parents, and some are just alone in benches.

New start! I remember back in my first day of class in college, I was with my former classmate in high school who happens to enroll in the same course as mine; we entered this room on the third floor of our building, with a sea of unfamiliar faces. What if I was not accompanied then, what will I feel? will I fit in?

After four years in college, a lot of changes took over me and my interaction with my colleagues. My “first week friends” whom I thought would be my college best buds seemed to fit in with other groups, so was I am.

The girl, whom I find to posses the most intimidating looks at the first day, in a surprise, would be so special to me.

Though in college, I got my group where I belonged, the rotation of “closeness” in the group was never certain. One day, I am close with another peer, then I woke up one day, another peer will penetrate my consciousness, making me closer to him/her.

I tried to create and image in the first day, an image the most likely to be more acceptable to the crowd. Years past, the image engraved at a mask suddenly wears off. Perhaps, I grew tired of wearing this “hey accept me” mask of mine and wonder if I’ll get the same acceptance if they would see me inside.

Fortunately, my peers, so was my critics, accepted me who I am, and I started living with it.

Now, a new beginning will spark for me, and so is for our students. The fear of starting will always be present, but the fear even if it’s in the process itself, is another issue. Fresh start, fears, new faces, and new environment, are just some over-rated feelings and situation we all can get upon the “first” of everything.

Maybe beginnings are weary, but in-betweens and endings usually determines the mood of a movie.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Planning Conference of 2011:)

Boatride to Anawangin :)

on our way home

Last Activity :)

Poly hot ladies :)

poly hot men :)


Jumpshot :)

Poly men :)

poly faculty and staff :)

Poly girls :)