Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hundred Degrees in Max

Take a glimpse and never look too long

Remember but don't thrive

Treat it as a puzzle piece and not as the whole board

Make it an inspiration and it may never distract you

Befriend your ghosts and they will never haunt you

Reconcile with yesterday so that tomorrow will be a good today

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Cogitation Egress

Memory, as i believe it to be, is a vital cognitive ability of the human mind to store and remember symbols, experiences, pictures(visual images) etc. for the brain to use it to its other cognitive functions. It's like a hard drive in a computer set, but the difference is that, when a brain is full of experiences and thoughts, one doesn't have a spare brain for back-up and retrieval for future use, and with that, I thank the people who introduced blogging to the world.

For 4 years now, blogging has been my way of expressing myself to the world by means of writing. It became an emotional outlet and my personal journal. The Five Pointed Perspective, with its tag line "see life in a star-shaped point-of-view", has became my chronicler in the past mentioned years. 

This is the web, this is the world having a preview on what I really think and what am I going through, why not give my readers if not a good article, a good brand image for my blog. 

The name was derived from my fascination with stars, just to clarify, it is the shape, not the celestial body, and my desire to incorporate it in my blog. After I've conceptualized The Five Pointed Perspective, logic follows that I shall post an entry that explains the header of my blog. In many attempts to do so, I frequently fail. 

But inside my mind, I want to theme my posts in a five pointed perspective way, which again, I failed to do because of the lack of time and inspiration. So there it was, my blog became my online journal, with my header not suited to it. 

Receny, I had this near-payday-Saturday(meaning I am stucked at the couch and thinking what to do) when I decided to make things congruent with my blog title and entry posts. 

The idea is of the title is just simple, it is me saying "Hey, this is my online journal and thoughts;before I forget them, let me share it you". So instead of changing the name into "The Idea/Experience Journal" which  is, I guess, is too lame, I thought of the 2 primordial words of the working title: thought and journal. 

With the help of my digital dictionary application in my phone, I've searched for more intelligent synonyms of the abovementioned terms. After a few swipes and type, these two terms appear exciting: Cogitation which means a thought, and Egress which means exit. 

Thought Exit in its simplest term, yes, this blog is now The Cogitation Egress, because my mind can't bear it all.

(Phone post)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Getting Paid for This

My job description in 7 words. So let me use this hashtag if it's ok? #ilovemyjob #yesido